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29 November 2007


Steffi and the Fiberals, to absolutely no one's surprise, get played... yet again.
Karlheinz Schreiber says he will not testify before a parliamentary committee until after his extradition matter is dealt with.

In an opening statement before the Commons ethics committee, Mr. Schreiber said he is “unwilling at this time to testify” until he knows how long the stay on his extradition will be.
Yessirree, folks... it's yet another gripping episode of "Wag the Dog... Dion."

Not that it was a total waste of time... ol' Karl did get to share some heart-rending stories of jailhouse injustice...
"Yesterday I was taken from Toronto West Detention Centre in a van by two officers from the Ottawa Detention Centre. I was handcuffed, I was in leg irons. I wore an orange jump suit."
Maybe Steffi can rename his dog... "Gullible."


UPDATE: C'mon Karl... pretty please?

Herr Schreiber coughs up a last-minute furball... to try to keep the game going.
Karlheinz Schreiber says his financial agreement with former prime minister Brian Mulroney was supposed to be worth $500,000, but he tried to dodge questions on what the money was for.

LAST WORD: Hey Karl... it could be worse
-- KHARTOUM -- A British teacher in Sudan was convicted Thursday of inciting religious hatred for letting her pupils name a teddy bear Muhammed, and she was sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation to Britain, one of her lawyers said.

Gillian Gibbons could have received 40 lashes and six months in prison in the case.

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