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29 November 2007

Sarkozy says "NO" to thugocracy

"I reject any form of other-worldly naivety that wants to see a victim of society in anyone who breaks the law, a social problem in any riot."

"The response to the riots isn't yet more money on the backs of the taxpayers."

"The response to the riots is to arrest the rioters."

RELATED: Here's a thought...

"Maybe the response to the murders isn't to build more basketball courts. The response to the riots is to arrest the murderers."
The seventh floor of a troubled highrise in Scarborough's northeast end remained under guard yesterday as Toronto Police announced an arrest in the city's latest murder, the fifth such killing in six days.

However, homicide investigators have yet to release any details of the slaying -- Toronto's 79th of the year.

Kwabena Sarfo Duah, 19, surrendered to detectives with his lawyer yesterday, police said. He's charged with second-degree murder in the death of Shaun Williams, 27.