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14 October 2007

The Prime Minister screwed up

Looks like he put the wrong Liberal in charge of the Afghanistan commission...
-- MONTREAL -- Canada needs to build up its military, buying new helicopters and other equipment, so the country can play a more active role on the world stage defending human rights and preventing genocide, deputy Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff says.
Sounds like Iggy has decided he's gonna position himself as the Anti-Steffi... and come over to the "dark side."
Canada is already well respected on the world stage, Ignatieff said, and building up the military would only enhance its influence and better enable the country to intervene when human rights are abused.

"It won't come cheap, but we have to be prepared to pay that price," he said, but did not provide any cost elements.

"If we want to have robust interventions, we must have the capability," he said.
Wow, what's next... Cherniak signing up for the infantry?

(h/t reader richard)