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14 October 2007

It's not like we can really complain

The people of Ontario just gave McSlippery an overwhelming mandate to trot out more dishonesty...
"We're not going to raise taxes," Dalton McGuinty promised.

Well, just like the lies he told us four years ago, that was before the election. This is after.
Like the old saying goes... "Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on me."
"Linda, rumour is high in the finance department at Queen's Park that after the federal budget reduces the GST by 1% and cuts personal taxes, the Liberals will introduce a 2% PST increase, with 1% for the municipalities and 1% for public transit," states an e-mail from a reader who will remain anonymous.
And apparently Big Pink himself, Mayor Miller, gets his pound of taxpayer flesh as well.
The e-mail went on: "They say this is why (Toronto Mayor David) Miller laid off in the provincial election."
(via 2 separate readers)