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09 October 2007

It's not a "War on Drugs"

It's a war on stupidity...
Two West Niagara teens are in critical condition and a third is in hospital after eating seeds from a poisonous plant.

Police say the three boys, ages 14 to 17, were found in incoherent and unresponsive states on Sunday night. They apparently ingested the seeds of the poisonous Jimson weed plant on purpose.
Now, I know the leftbot solution here... would be to set up a "safe-ingestion" site.
Jimson weed, also known as thorn apple, stinkweed, and angel's trumpet, grows throughout the Niagara region. The plant is often used as a recreational drug and can cause hallucinations, delirium, and disorientation.

An overdose can cause seizures, respiratory failure, and death.
I'm thinkin' there has to be a better solution.

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