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09 October 2007

The Catholic school system...

In Ontario... is feeling the unwelcome glare of the public spotlight... thanks to Dalton McGuinty's insistence on using it as his only election issue...
In Ontario's taxpayer-funded, historically enshrined and suddenly – again – controversial Catholic schools, church and class are never very far apart.

But has Catholic-school funding lost favour with the public?

The Green Party, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and 70 per cent of readers in a recent Toronto Star poll have said they favour one blended, secular school system – and suggest it's time to pull the plug on Catholic funding.
Wouldn't it be sweet to see Dalton's "pet wedge issue" bring about the beginning of the end for separate funding of Catholic schools?

And if his wife lost her job as a Catholic teacher... would Dalton hire her as a special assistant, to say... Ben Chin?

But Dalton wouldn't know anything about karma... that's one of those "segregationist beliefs."