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08 October 2007

Being Denis Khadr - Update

Of course, the soaring irony of Denis Coderre's latest geopolitical pronouncements will go totally over his already swollen head...
"Governance and corruption within Afghanistan are another major issue."

"We can announce millions and millions, but do we believe that that money is going exactly where it should be?" he asked.
Ah, Denis... isn't this the very question you should have asked your old boss?

Also don't miss the beginnings of Denis' manly, "I'm at the pointy edge of the spear" adventure beard.

He's even starting to look like a Taliban.


RELATED: Of course, Taliban Denis knows best
Coderre, who is in Afghanistan as part of a two day fact-finding mission, echoed the United Nations position saying he was troubled by the state-sanctioned execution of 15 Afghan prisoners on Sunday night.
Funny... I've never heard Coderre say "word one" about the Taliban executing innocent civilians... apparently "sawing heads off living human beings" gets a pass from our Liberal critic.

The Karzai government responds...
The government's official announcement of the executions came on state television Monday evening, saying Karzai ordered the executions following a decision by a special commission he set up to review rulings by the Supreme Court.

"After all the discussions and after looking back over the cases ... in order to prevent future crimes, such as murders, armed robberies, kidnappings, and to maintain the stability of the country, (Karzai) approved the prisoners' death sentences," the statement read.

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