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11 October 2007

It makes just as much sense...

As putting the McSlippery gang back behind the wheel of the bus.
Viktor Vasarajsvik decided to cover his face with a homemade veil when he went to vote yesterday. He wanted to make a point.

Vasarajsvik, 49, thought he would be asked by elections workers at his local polling station to remove the veil to prove he was in fact the same person pictured on his driver's licence.

But nobody did and Vasarajsvik thinks that's wrong.

"I think it's quite wrong because I didn't identify myself," he said. "I could've been somebody else on the street with my ID."
So what do the people in charge have to say about veils?
Jonathan Batty, legal counsel for Elections Ontario, said voters in provincial elections are not required to show photo ID or their faces to an election official.

They are, however, obligated to show proof of identity - or a document showing their name and signature. "There's no requirement under the Election Act for anybody to show photo identification," Batty said.
See, that's funny Jonathan... not only did I have to produce my drivers license... the functionary at the poll insisted that I recite my street address as well. In fact, the guy studied the picture so intently... I thought he was gonna ask for a DNA sample.

What exactly are the job qualifications here?

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