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11 October 2007

Something to keep in mind

Remember... if you foolishly voted Liberal last night, you just gave up the right to bitch about...

-"We're not going to raise taxes," Mr. McGuinty told reporters at a Southwestern Ontario pig farm during the last days of the campaign. (Mr. McGuinty also promised not to hike taxes in 2003, but later introduced a $2.6-billion health levy he said was necessary to reduce the previous government's $5.6-billion deficit.)
-Improve the environment by "eliminating coal-fired electricity plants by 2014, banning the cosmetic use of pesticides and introducing a tough new toxic reduction law that requires polluting companies to reduce their emissions." (In 2003, the Liberals promised to eliminate coal-fired plants by 2007, a goal they later had to acknowledge was unreachable.)
It's just too disheartening to go through the overflowing sack of dishonesty and deception, so let's just shortlist the more egregious sins.


A cricket club asks for $150,000 and next day gets a cheque for a cool million. Just one part of the multi-million dollar Liberal "ethnic community" slush fund.


The Conservatives and New Democrats were going to freeze the MPAC assessments pending a revamping of the system. Guess which party is going to "study the report" that called the process extremely flawed?


Premier McSlippery came out strongly against public-private partnerships for development of health care infrastructure. Guess which party paid out 1 billion dollars in cost over-runs to their private partners.


In an interesting aside, Steve Paikin at TVO, last night related how Dalton reneged on a promise back at the provincial Liberal leadership convention.

McGuinty had promised to throw his support to another candidate after finishing fourth on a ballot... and then refused to carry through.

The fact is, as the last four years have shown, consummate political hack McSlippery will lie to anybody, anytime.

Oh, Ontario... wake up and smell the Liberal larceny.

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