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11 October 2007

Fooling a lot of the people...

A lot of the time... I mean, talk about a dumbed-down electorate...
A former cabinet minister, Mike Colle, was re-elected in his Eglinton-Lawrence riding even though he resigned as citizenship and immigration minister after an auditor general’s report touched off a controversy over funding granted to multicultural groups.
Broken promises, blatant misrepresentation, misuse of taxpayer monies... apparently none of that struck a chord with voters.

So the sheeple have spoken.

Well, at least MMP went down in flames...
This has been an unmitigated disaster,” said Dennis Pilon, assistant professor of political science at University of Victoria and author of The Politics of Voting: Reforming Canada's Electoral System.

“I don't think ever so much money has been wasted in educating people so poorly.”

Mr. Pilon said the Liberal government under Dalton McGuinty acted in poor faith by waiting until April in the last year of their mandate to set up the citizen's assembly.
Steve Paikin at TVO was reporting that the 5 ridings that had been reported as favouring MMP were all in downtown Toronto... yup, big surprise.