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04 October 2007

Cherniak fixes Liberal Party....

To paraphrase the Elfin One... "You know what the real problem is... all the very public bitching and moaning about what's really wrong with the party... uh, shite, wait a minute..."
"You know what? I'm sick of them. I'm sick of their tactics. I'm sick of their stupidity. I'm sick of their inability to do their jobs."

"The goddamn National Executive is responsible for PRIVATELY organizing the party."

"Whoever leaked Jamie Carroll's memo should have the words 'STUPID FUCKING IDIOT' engraved on his or her tombstone. The advantage of swearing is that nobody can quote me."
Hey buddy, as usual... you so nailed it.

Oh yeah, best of luck on your campaign to be elected Liberal Party Central Region President... I've got a feeling you're gonna need it.

And Jason... no matter what anybody says... just keep digging.

The Conservative... uh, I mean Liberal Party... needs more media-savvy political geniuses just like you.

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