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04 October 2007

Everything you need to know...

About Dalton McGuinty's total disregard for the truth...
“Maybe you weren't there when I met Mr. Brady in Ottawa and mainstreeted in a hospital corridor,” he told reporters after a speech to a business audience at the Empire and Canadian clubs in Toronto. “I've had a great opportunity to meet with Ontarians to get a better sense of where they are at and where they want us to go.”

Wednesday was the second time Mr. McGuinty has mentioned Mr. Brady by name, even though he did not stop to interact with him. The first time was at a Liberal barbecue rally in Ottawa last week.

When reminded Wednesday that he actually brushed aside Mr. Brady's comments about cancer treatment, Mr. McGuinty replied: “Let me tell you about what we are doing on the cancer front.” He then cited a list of actions he said the Liberals have taken to invest in cancer.
You remember Mike Brady, right?

Why don't I refresh your memory.

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