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09 October 2007

Toronto "Red Star" wants to...

Buy the world a coke...
The last time Bernadette Lefebvre saw her son alive, the 15-year-old told his mom he was ready to make some changes in his life.
You don't even have to finish that sentence to know you're in for some warm, fuzzy-bunny malarkey from the mindlessly leftbot Star.

Now, it goes without saying that the death of a child is a tragic event for the friends and family left behind... but let's not try to turn these events into something they're not.

See... if you're runnin' around stealin' stuff and joyriding, on a lake no less, at three in the morning, you're nobody's idea of a model citizen.
Wayne, who had just started Grade 10 at Fenelon Falls Secondary School in Fenelon Falls, was found drowned in Sturgeon Lake, near Bobcaygeon, Saturday morning. He and five friends had been riding in a stolen boat Friday night when the vessel capsized, sending all six boys into the cold water.
Note that the Star won't even say these kids stole the boat... apparently, they just tripped and fell into it and it drifted out onto the lake.

The reality is, this kid, who apparently had a history of... let's be generous and call it "unwise decision making"... did this to himself.

So let's call it what it is and hope some other kids learn something from his fatal mistake... because turning him into a choir boy is dishonest... and misleading.


RELATED: Once upon a time, there was...

Yet another kid who killed himself breaking the law.

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