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16 September 2007

Where is your God now?

I imagine ol' Fallah is having some second thoughts right now about jihad... now that he could be handed over to the Iraqi security apparatus...
US forces in Iraq say they have seized a suspected al-Qaeda militant believed to have been behind the killing last week of a Sunni tribal leader.

A US military statement named the captured suspect as Fallah Khalifa Hiyas Fayyas al-Jumayli. The statement said that he had been captured near the town of Balad, north of Baghdad, on Saturday.

"Intelligence reports indicate Jumayli is involved in a plot to kill key leaders in the Anbar Awakening," the statement said.
He'd better pray he stays in the Great Satan's custody for a very long time, because his Anbar cousins are a little pissed off right at the moment.

Two words... blowtorch... genitals.

And that's precisely why they so desperately need democracy in the Middle-East.


RELATED: The Islamic killing machine...

Ramps up the slaughter during the "holy season."
At least 22 people have been killed in a series of bombings and shootings in Iraq, security officials say.

Fourteen people were killed in Diyala province, north of the capital Baghdad, when militants attacked two villages.

At least six people were killed by a bomb near the northern city of Kirkuk and two people were killed by a car bomb in Baghdad.
Because it's who they are.

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