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15 September 2007

It's time to find out...

If Julian Fantino is still a cop... or just a politician with a pretty uniform.
The Caledonia home builder beaten unconscious during a confrontation at a Stirling South subdivision told family today that he recognized his attacker.

“I know who he is,” Sam Gualtieri told his brother Joe from his hospital bed today.
Apparently Gualtieri has lived in the area for decades and worked extensively on the native reserve... so this development should make this a pretty straightforward operation for the local gendarmes.

Strangely, that's not the way the OPP sees things.
OPP Sergeant Dave Rektor said no arrests had yet been made in the assault but that investigators were working "diligently".

"Several native protesters remained at the subdivision and were demonstrating peacefully", he added.
Apparently there were police officers on site when the assault took place... but again, for some unexplained reason... they were unable to arrest the natives who beat Gualtieri senseless.

Let's see what happens next.


RELATED: Napanee OPP cover themselves in glory
Maybe officers were just too busy answering the "feuhn", or looking for that darn "minkee."

LAST WORD: OPP stops, drops and rolls

"We were looking the other way", say cops.
OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino's office was contacted by The Spectator to speak to the events.

A spokesperson said Fantino is on vacation outside the country and is unavailable for comment.

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