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16 September 2007


Hey... you can't tell me these filthy infidels didn't have it coming... "twinkie this... you unbelieving sons of pigs and apes!"
-- BAGHDAD -- A booby-trapped bicycle exploded near a cafe serving tea and food during Ramadan fasting hours Sunday, killing at least five people in a religiously mixed area in northern Iraq, police said.
And there's plenty more where that came from...
The violence came a day after al-Qaida in Iraq announced a new offensive in Ramadan, the Islamic holy month that began last week. In all, at least 39 people were killed or found dead nationwide.

The bullet-riddled bodies of a traffic police chief and his 11-year-old son also were found after they were kidnapped during the fighting, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.
Yessirree Bob, er... Faisal... God is surely great.

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