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18 September 2007

Tony Soprano would be proud

This guy says he's gonna "lend his expertise on development issues"... anybody else smelling quid pro quo here?
-- Caledonia, ON -- A developer in Caledonia, Ont., says he hopes to resume home construction this week with no protesters and no violence.

John Kragten also said he hopes a deal he has struck with a new development agency created by the Six Nations Confederacy will pave the way for future agreements for other builders.

Kragten wouldn't give any details of the deal but insisted no money changed hands. He said he has agreed to help build bridges between natives and other developers and to lend his expertise on development issues.
However, natives shouldn't break out the celebratory firewater just yet... not everybody is willing to roll over and play dead here.
Other developers, including Mike Quattrociocchi of Brantford, have been asked to pay fees to the new development agency but have declined.

"I have bills to pay. I have four young kids I'm responsible for. Come hell or high water, this project's gonna get done," he said.

Quattrociocchi plans to resume construction, without Six Nations permission, on Tuesday morning.

UPDATE: Dopey white man suckered again
-- Caledonia -- A small group of aboriginal protesters is holding up a return to work at a disputed Caledonia subdivision, even though native leaders have reached an agreement that would let building resume, says John Kragten, one of the builders.
Such kidders... ya just gotta love these guys.


LAST WORD: Sorbara tells Hamilton Spectator...

Liberals have officially bailed on citizens of Caledonia.
The Ontario Liberals say only Ottawa can resolve the Caledonia crisis and there's nothing more the Dalton McGuinty government can do.

"We will not be dragged into a dispute between residents."
A dispute, Mr. Sorbara? Try telling that to Sam Gualtieri... that is, when he gets out of hospital.

Confirmation of the provincial government's complete and abject surrender also came from the Mininstry of Aboriginal Affairs.
-- TORONTO -- A violent confrontation last week in Caledonia, Ont., has prompted the Ontario government to pull out of this week's scheduled negotiations with Six Nations and the federal government.

“Ontario considers last week's confrontation unacceptable,” Lars Eedy, spokesman for the provincial aboriginal affairs ministry, said Tuesday in a news release. “Violence is never a solution to any dispute.”
Another broken trust from Milquetoast McGuinty.

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