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18 September 2007

I'm actually pretty surprised...

The Saudis didn't snap it up.
-- BRUSSELS, Belgium -- Hidden among the porcelain fox hounds and Burberry tablecloths on sale at this week was an unusual item: "For Sale: Belgium, a Kingdom in three parts ... free premium: the king and his court (costs not included)."

"I wanted to attract attention," said Gerrit Six, the teacher and former journalist who posted the ad. "You almost have to throw a rock through a window to get attention for Belgium.
Unfortunately for bidders... ya snooze, ya lose.
"It was a really fun listing made by a Belgian," Peter Burin, PR manager of eBay Belgium. "This person, in a very funny way, reminded the Belgians what a great country Belgium actually is and it would be a shame to sell it."

However, the company decided to pull the ad Tuesday after receiving a bid of €10 million (US$14 million)

"We decided to take it down, just to avoid confusion," he told APTN.
Selling the country? It's an interesting idea.

I mean... it sure beats just giving it away.

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