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18 September 2007

Treehugger community in disarray...

After failing to find a way to blame this latest eco-disaster on Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
-- VICTORIA -- The mountain pine beetle is projected to kill more than three-quarters of B.C.'s marketable pine forests within the next eight years, a report released Monday by the province's Ministry of Forests says.

The report says if the pine beetle kill continues at its current rate, it will kill the equivalent of almost 25 per cent of the province's entire volume of market timber.

Donna Barnett, the chairwoman of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition, said the report will help guide discussions and decisions on the environmental, social and economic issues surrounding the pine beetle.

RELATED: Screw the whole bugs and trees thing

Just gimme my PETA Porn.
-- HOUSTON -- An animal rights group says Alicia Silverstone appears naked in a television ad promoting vegetarianism that was to debut Wednesday in Houston.

Silverstone is shown emerging from a swimming pool and talking about the benefits of being a vegetarian.

"I wasn't always a vegetarian, but I've always loved animals," the 30-year-old actress said in a statement.

"Physically, the effect has been amazing."
C'mon, you little eco-tramp... less yip, more backflip.


LAST WORD: Leftbot politician proclaims...

"It's actually a good thing."
Responding to a new report this week that shows the tiny pine beetle has wiped out 40 per cent of B.C.'s current stock of pine trees – a total of 12 per cent of all of B.C.'s saleable timber – B.C.'s Forest Minister said Tuesday that the devastation does have a silver lining:

"There's more water for surviving trees to grow quickly."

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