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19 September 2007

Another Dion brainwave...

I can't wait to see the t-shirt... "My Canada includes every fanatical, murderous fundamentalist sonuvabitch..."
-- TORONTO -- Federal Liberal Leader Stephane Dion is repeating his call for a Canadian man being held in a U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay to be tried, if not in a U.S. court then in a Canadian one.
I imagine our soldiers is Afghanistan must be similarly excited about the actions of a man who also apparently aspires to be their next Commander-in-Chief.
Mr. Dion met Wednesday with U.S. military lawyers representing Omar Khadr, 21, and later spoke at a hotel in downtown Toronto.

Mr. Khadr is accused of murdering a U.S. officer in Afghanistan in a 2002 firefight at an alleged al Qaeda compound when he was 15.
Sorry Steffi... my Canada does not include terrorists.

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