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19 September 2007

Show me the honour

And a little outrage from the East Asian "community" involved, wouldn't be amiss either.
-- LONDON -- A judge sentenced a 70-year-old widow to life in prison Wednesday for arranging the murder of her daugher-in-law after discovering she was having an affair.

Bachan Athwal was convicted in July of killing Surjit Athwal, 27, almost a decade ago. Judge Giles Forrester said she must serve at least 20 years before being considered for parole.

The victim's husband, Sukhdave Athwal, also was convicted of murder at the same trial. The judge said he must serve at least 27 years.

"The pair of you decided that the so-called honor of your family members was worth more than the life of this young woman," the judge said.
Register culture, not guns.


RELATED: Do we call it "growing pains"?
A chief constable has said her force needs more staff and resources to cope with the pressures caused by a sudden influx of migrant workers.

Julie Spence of Cambridgeshire Police says a dramatic change in the make-up of the population in the county had meant new challenges for her officers.

For example, in the space of one year, drink-drive figures showed a 17-fold rise in arrests of foreigners.

Since 2004, 83,000 East Europeans have registered to work in Eastern England.
This is an inevitable consequence of tossing standards and regulations out the window. If your goal is simply to acquire a "cheap labour pool" you will end up paying the piper.
Police officers were now dealing with close to 100 languages without having the right skills - a situation which had landed the force with a translation bill of at least £800,000.

The force had also seen rises in some crimes which could be directly associated with migration.

These included drink-driving involving foreign nationals and the emergence of an "international dimension" to crimes including cannabis production, human trafficking and credit card skimming.

Mrs Spence said knife crime was another problem area. She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme a lot of people who carried knives for protection in their home country believe they can do the same in the UK.

She added that ongoing feuds can also be brought into the country.
Anybody remember back when "discriminating" wasn't a bad word?

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