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19 September 2007

"Dances with Peyote"

Just like the famous, totally fabricated "Tawana Brawley" incident in the United States... it now appears that the RCMP did not scoop up these brave aboriginal warriors and spirit them off to a mythical secret police gulag after all.
The claim that Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested a group of Navajo American Indians this week appears to be bogus.

Both levels of police have categorically denied taking a group of Navajo American Indians into custody this week.

While reports from the group itself said they had been taken in by RCMP for questioning and released, the OPP and RCMP said they "did not stop, detain nor arrest anyone in the area."

Both agencies have investigated the allegations and determined the incident did not occur, the OPP said in a joint statement Tuesday.
So what's up with the kook who made the false allegations?
Spata Desareau, a member of the tribe that is an offshoot of the Navajo, had told the Intelligencer the 28-person group was taken into custody Sunday en route to the aboriginal protest at a quarry near Deseronto.
Ah... he's one of Shawn Brant's merry men.

That explains everything.


It appears the OPP may have finally taken some action against native protestors in Caledonia.

Reports from the scene of a long standoff at a housing subdivision indicate cops moved into the disputed land on Wednesday afternoon and took 18 people into custody. All those arrested are said to be natives.

This latest incident follows a violent confrontation that took place last week between a home builder and those on the land. Fifty-two-year-old Sam Gualtieri was discovered unconscious and bloody after he went to check out a home under construction.
You've gotta love the timing here.

Did Julian Fantino tell Dalton, "No more kid gloves?"

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