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01 August 2007

So... lemme get this straight

I've lived in Hastings County for over six years now and I'm still not able to get a family physician. The last time I took my sick child to the ER, we sat for over 7 hours before we could see a doctor.

Now you're telling me that Dalton McGuinty has found so many creative ways to pound money into the perennially indigent demographic that he's saturated the market?
Hastings County is waiting to help 120 people with their rent, but so far, few tenants have taken them up on it.

“We have money. Come and get it,” said Tracey Logan, who works in community programs.
Rather than providing money for training or education, it's the all too familiar nanny-state subsidisation of the lowest expectation status quo.

Why aren't the Fiberals concerned about the community-at-large? How does McGuinty justify his crazy priorities?
The program stems from a $775,000 allotment from the province earlier this year. It serves tenants already living in one-bedroom apartments and is offered alongside a program for tenants moving into new apartments.

As for why there haven’t been more applicants, Logan suspects tenants are too busy to notice or assume it will come with too much red tape.
Remember the huge crisis at the Belleville General Hospital just this past February?
Ontario Health Minister George Smitherman, says he can't do anything because the cupboard is bare.

Strangely enough... Dalton McGuinty and his pal George found enough cash to vote themselves a big fat 25% raise just before Christmas...
Remember Dalton's multi-million dollar golden handshake to the guy who had to leave Ontario Hydro in disgrace?
While Parkinson's $3-million severance angers and outrages some, Mr. McGuinty said it was the cheapest way to get rid of Parkinson.
And for all his supposed concern about the less fortunate, what about Dalton's shameful treatment of elderly people in Ontario nursing homes?
The increase, which kicked in on Canada Day, brings the funding to $5.57 per person per day, an amount that's supposed to cover the cost of buying three squares, plus snacks, a day.
Why aren't we using this money to make sure granny gets three square meals a day?

Will somebody, for the love of sanity, please tell me what this idiot is really up to?

Because I can't begin to figure it out.

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