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02 August 2007

"It's alive!!!", cries the Globe

That Frankensteinian Conservative Party is once again loose upon the land, warns the Globe and Mail.
-- OTTAWA, CHARLOTTETOWN -- The Harper government rejected opposition calls yesterday to give Elections Canada new tools to detect multiple donations to a political party's riding associations that could cumulatively exceed the legal limit by more than $60,000.
Of course, after the accusatory headline and further down the article, we come across this nugget...
Still, Liberal officials acknowledge that the loophole was created by their 2003 reform to the Elections Act.
Of course, even that point is somewhat moot as the whole hidden, scary discombobulation really isn't going to destroy life as we know it after all.
Conservative House Leader Peter Van Loan issued a statement yesterday reminding Canadians that exceeding the $1,100 limit is illegal.

"This is no more a loophole than the fact that someone can break the law by fraudulently misstating their income on their income tax," he said. "In both cases the law is broken and individuals are subject to serious consequences for doing so."
But don't tell that to the leftbots at the Globe.

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