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01 July 2007

A culture of violence...

Meets a culture of silence at C.W. Jefferys...
At least two sexual assaults against Muslims occurred at C.W. Jefferys Collegiate, the school where 15-year-old Jordan Manners was shot to death in May.

On Wednesday, the principal and two vice-principals at Jefferys were put on "home assignment" with pay after an investigation turned up allegations that a sexual assault at the school in October was not reported to police, sources said.
We all heard school board trustee Stephanie Payne assure parents that C.W. Jefferys Collegiate was as safe a school as any in the Toronto area.
Payne said C.W. Jefferys is one of the safest schools in Toronto and parents realize it is a "very safe, compassionate school."
Turns out Steph didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.

Which should surprise no one.

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