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01 July 2007

Shelley "Dares to dream..."

About pretty pink icing on David Miller's socialist cake...
Two city councillors are calling for tougher laws on firework sales. Adam Vaughan and Shelley Carroll want the city to crack down on temporary vendors and sales to kids.

Incidents involving young people and pyrotechnics in Toronto have caused injuries and property damage in the past.

"The dream is...a different bylaw -- one in which there were no temporary vendors," Councillor Shelley Carroll said at a press conference on Friday.
So, some kids are using fireworks like guns to shoot at each other... and apparently, our existing laws against assault and battery are not being applied.

Whaddaya say, Shelley... maybe we should set up a "National Fireworks Registry."

Or we could just arrest the little fuckers that do this.

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