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04 July 2007

Attorney General Michael Bryant...

Should stick to banning dogs and Christmas trees... cause he sure hasn't done anything for the court system...
Members of Ontario's opposition parties were outraged by Tuesday's developments, saying taxpayers dollars are being wasted by the government's "disorganized justice."

"We're now at risk of having charges dropped and mark my words, this failure on the part of the attorney general to properly manage this process is going to result in plea bargains, reduced charges and charges being dropped and criminals being let out onto the street," said New Democrat justice critic Peter Kormos.

Progressive Conservative justice critic Christine Elliott said the ruling is a "real embarrassment" for the province.

"I would say it's totally inept from beginning to end in terms of the attorney general's handling of this. I mean this is something that had gone on for 11 months," she said.
A taxpayer funded gift for the Driftwood Crips... courtesy of the Ontario Liberal Party.

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