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04 July 2007

All bark, no bill

Now it's true this bill wouldn't save lives, or put any money back in taxpayers pockets, but if parliamentarians can't even stop people from harassing you while you're eating dinner, what good are they?
Ottawa has exempted a series of telephone-reliant organizations from the ban and left open a loophole that many businesses can exploit.
To no one's surprise, they've also exempted themselves from the legislation.
Political parties, registered charities, pollsters and newspapers will still be able to make unsolicited calls to Canadians.

“I ended up dubbing this the do-not-hesitate-to-call list because once you've excluded all these groups, you start wondering who's left,” University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist said.
And they wonder why we're so cynical.

Here at "the halls" we don't even answer the phone anymore without letting the answering machine screen our calls.

I see telemarketing as an invasion of privacy.

Try calling up all your neighbours every day to invite them to your upcoming garage sale... and see how long it takes for the cops to show up and advise you to stop harassing people, or face arrest.

I'm tired of cowardly, hypocritical politicians.

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