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03 July 2007

I believe the expression is...

Hell in a handbasket...
A paramilitary trooper and up to eight students were killed when gunfire erupted during clashes at a mosque run by a Taliban-style movement in Islamabad.

A cleric inside Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, said last night that eight students had been killed, and a loudspeaker in the compound broadcast a message calling for suicide attacks.
Yessir... that's some Religion of Peace.

Whaddaya figure they're gonna do for an encore... disembowel somebody?

Nobody can say Musharaff isn't cutting them some slack.
Paramilitary forces fired teargas to disperse hundreds of students outside the mosque, and came under fire from automatic weapons.
In the end, this one's gonna come to some serious martrydom.

Oh yeah... don't wanna be a spoiler here, but the guys with the tanks usually win.


UPDATE: Down to the short strokes

On a positive note, the jihadis let some kids go
-- ISLAMABAD -- About 700 followers of a radical mosque surrendered Wednesday as government troops with armoured personnel carriers tightened their stranglehold on the building a day after clashes killed at least 16 people, officials said.

In the past six months, the clerics have challenged the government by sending students from the mosque to kidnap alleged prostitutes and police in an anti-vice campaign.
Everybody else is going on a little trip.
One of those who decided to give up, 15-year-old Maryam Qayyeum, said many were not leaving the seminary. "They are happy. They only want martyrdom. They don't want to go home," she said.

Ms. Qayyeum said mosque leaders were not trying to stop students from giving up. But her mother, who had come to take her home said, "They are making speeches. They want to incite them."

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