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01 May 2007

More Liberal Dirty Tricks?

Saw a comment on another website referring to this url... and I got curious.

Now, when I go to to see who has registered this site... what pops up?
Administrative Contact:
Marc Gendron ( Private WHOIS, 130-8191 Westminster Highway, Box 276
Richmond BC V6X1A7 Canada
Phone: 16046828059
Fax: 16046828059
If you then google Marc Gendron and Liberal party, what do you find?
Liberal leadership candidate Michael Ignatieff

Liberal MP Michael Ignatieff’s (Etobicoke Lakeshore, Ont.) campaign is chaired by Ian Davey, son of veteran well know Liberal strategist Keith Davey.

Some of the other senior campaign advisers and organizers in the campaign include Sachin Aggarwal, director of operation; Mark Sakamoto, director of organization; Brad Davis, director of policy; Marc Gendron, policy and communications adviser; Leslie Church, national director of campaign communications, Alicia Johnston, press secretary; Marc Chalifoux, executive assistant; Kyle Harrietha, OttawaValley campaign manager; Mario Poirier; Quebec campaign director; Tom Allison, Ontario campaign director; David Hurford, Western Canada campaign director and Bill Cheema, B.C.campaign manager
Coincidence? A different Marc Gendron?

Funny though... isn't this the same sort of "dirty tricks" mudslinging we saw during the Liberal Leadership race?

Hmmmm....maybe someone should ask Marc.


UPDATE: Maybe the "real Marc" should 'man up'...
To ensure that other innocent Marcs' don't get blamed for this.

LAST WORD: 2 May 21:50

To my surprise, Marc Gendron did reply to my email and we've had some online back and forth.

He is, much like Akaash Maharaj, I regretfully report, a funny, smart, articulate guy... who unfortunately swings with the opposition.

I hope to post an update to our conversation later tonight, or tomorrow morning, so I'd ask people on both sides of the fence to wipe the foam from their mouths and be patient.

Yeah Ted... that includes you.

And me.

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