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01 May 2007

Caledonia residents get...

Liberal sympathy... which, in case anybody's wondering, is about as useful and comforting as a bucket of warm spit.
-- Canadian Press -- Residents living with a year-long volatile aboriginal occupation in their southern Ontario town say their plight is being ignored by the provincial government after a government minister refused to meet with a group planning a slow convoy to the legislature Wednesday.

"We know what's happening on the ground," said Liberal Aboriginal Affairs Minister David Ramsay. "We know how people's lives are being disrupted."

"We have great sympathy for that."
You know about it!?! Hell, you bought them the land and you're paying for the hydro!!! You're a co-conspirator!!!

Is anybody listening to the residents of the beleagured town?
Dan Roberts, who helped organize Wednesday's convoy and rally, said few politicians with the exception of Conservative Leader John Tory have bothered to visit the town that has been cut in half by barricades and seen violent clashes between residents and Six Nations protesters.
One more reason, friends don't let friends vote liberal.

RELATED: A lasting "cultural legacy."


UPDATE: Taking it to Queens Park
"Caledonia will no longer be silenced," resident Dan Roberts told a crowd of about 100 people who ended their convoy on the lawn of the legislature.

"We're not going to tolerate this. This is an election year and our community will have a voice.

Premier McGuinty, you can run. You can duck."

"But you're not going to hide from the people of Caledonia."

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