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02 May 2007

Families of accused killers...

Play the race card...
"Oh look, the white people are going through now," one man said.

"We’re family. You’re not feeling the pain. You’re not crying."
Wow... that victimhood schtick is apparently more flexible than Buh-linda Strumpet...


RELATED: The black community's "code of silence"

It happens time and time again...
A chilling silence protects the man who killed Kirk Richards -- leaving two small boys fatherless -- as the people who could help police find the gunman also remain quiet.

"I said a week ago I vary between disappointed and disgusted and I remain that way," Toronto Police Det.-Sgt. Gary Grinton said.

"To this point in time no one has come forward to assist us."
The irony here is, the refusal to talk to police is only pouring fuel on the epidemic of black-on-black mayhem and murder in the Greater Toronto Area.

Whatever happened to civic responsibility?


LAST WORD: Root causes? How about root places?
High levels of violence and crime are undermining growth in the Caribbean, a World Bank report says.

Drugs, gun crime and youth violence pose a major threat to welfare and deter investment, it added.

Youth crime and violence must be tackled as youngsters were "disproportionately represented" in the ranks of both victims and perpetrators, with youth homicide rates in several countries of the region "significantly above the world average".
Vacation here... I dare you.
Ms. Middleton was found dying in the middle of an isolated road in 1996. Police arrested two men soon after.

The Crown struck a deal with one of the suspects, Kirk Mundy. Under that agreement — in exchange for his testimony against the other accused, Justis Smith — Mr. Mundy would be charged as an accessory after the fact.

But the murder case fell apart when the prosecution decided that Mr. Mundy would not prove a credible witness. By then, forensic evidence had linked him directly to the sex assault. There was no similar evidence to implicate Mr. Smith.

The court also accepted testimony that Ms. Middleton had had consensual sex with one of the accused even though she had met him just 30 minutes earlier and was a virgin.

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