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19 May 2007


I'm sure the families of the 7 dead and 13 horribly maimed Afghani bystanders are with you all the way.
-- KABUL, Afghanistan -- A suicide attacker detonated himself next to German soldiers shopping in a crowded market in northern Afghanistan on Saturday, killing 10 people and wounding 16, officials said.
Chancellor Angela Merkel reacted decisively to the deaths of the 3 German soldiers...
“These perfidious murders fill us all with disgust and horror,” Merkel said in a statement. “The German military is carrying out an important mission for the reconstruction and stabilization of Afghanistan.

It is the goal of the attackers to destroy the established successes of this rebuilding process.”

RELATED: Some Spring Offensive, huh?


Give a little, get a lot...
Nearly 70 Taliban fighters are believed to have died in an ambush by US-led forces and Afghan soldiers in eastern Afghanistan while some 20 others were killed in a battle northeast of Kabul.

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