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20 May 2007

There's no whore...

Like overfed, disingenuous Michael Moore...
Michael Moore has launched his latest controversial documentary in Cannes, saying he feared it would be seized by US authorities before it was seen.

Sicko, in which the director attacks the US health system, has had its first screening at the French film festival.

"The point was not to go to Cuba, it was to go to American soil, to Guantanamo Bay, to take the 9/11 rescue workers there to receive the same healthcare that they are giving the al-Qaeda detainees," Moore said.
It's not about the "tens of millions of dollars"... it's all about helping others.


Moore's slick, finely tuned dishonesty
Some students are showing FahrenHYPE 9/11 on their college campuses as an antidote to presentations of Fahrenheit 9/11.
See also here and here.
If anyone is still wondering whether the Left is actually rooting for our enemies, namely Islamic Fascists and their terrorist comrades, let me quote Michael Moore: "We cannot win this war! We can't.

We SHOULDN'T win this war...I mean, who the hell are we!!!! The ARROGANCE!!!!

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