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08 April 2007

You can have his pornography...

When you pry it from his cold dead laptop...

Because "Canadian Cynic" is smarter than your average perv...
"I can encrypt them. Or misname them. Or put them in hidden folders. Or just not bring them at all, and get them later via e-mail or from a web site. I mean, Jesus Christ, the possibilities are endless. Really, you'd have to pretty stupid to get caught smuggling porn on your computer."
I thought I was finished with little CC for a while... but he just keeps on comin' back and linking to me, like a yappy little dog.

I have to say, boasting about how easy it is to get pornography past Customs has confirmed my opinion of this putz.

I shouldn't be surprised... CC has previously posted such gems as...
"If you Google on "pay to fuck," what do you get coming up as the very first hit? Just curious."
How old is this guy... fifteen?

Instead of obsessing about variants of online pornography, CC might be better off trying to get a date with a an actual flesh-and-blood (whatever his gender preference) human being.

One thing's for sure... I'm never gonna shake his slimy, sticky hand.

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