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07 April 2007

I say, "Let 'em keep digging"

Just back from visiting Peter Loewen over at "A Shrewdness of Apes", where he's speculating about another Liberal mis-step...
Now, the Liberals think this is unfair. Gerard Kennedy is calling it the subsidy of private schools or something like that. And Ted over at Cerberus, who in my mind is the best Liberal blogger, is also all over this.

Is this really a battle the Liberals want to fight?

They want to stand for taking more money from parents who want the best education for their kids and are willing to pay for it in addition to paying taxes for schools they don't use?
Peter's a really nice guy and an infuriatingly logical thinker, but I'm not happy about pointing out all these Fiberal screwups... they might just start thinking twice about some of this dreck.

Yeah, on second thought, you're right.

It'd probably be easier to change their DNA.

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