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07 April 2007

Pop Quiz: What city in Colorado...

Has apparently been infiltrated by the Taliban?
-- LITTLETON, Colo. -- A planned statue depicting a local hero, a Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan, has drawn opposition from some parents, who say the image and location are inappropriate for children.

A group of parents wants the city to recast the statue or place it elsewhere, arguing that the site, near three elementary schools and two parks, is a hub for young children who could find the weapon disturbing.
I have to laugh at these mindless leftbots.

They'll let their pre-teen daughters overdose on... or worse yet, emulate... pantyless, substance abusing sybarite Britney Spears... but are convinced the mere depiction of a firearm will instantly transform their sons into some doppleganger Charlie Manson.

So far the town has been able to push back the mindless forces of political correctness.
Littleton spokesman Chris Harguth said there were no plans to modify the statue or location. "The statue is at the foundry now, so it's basically done," he said.

"Our plans are to unveil the statue on July 4."
Thank God someone's pushing back.

GUN TRIVIA: Courtesy of SDA
What do you think is more dangerous, a house with a pool or a house with a gun? When, for "20/20," I asked some kids, all said the house with the gun is more dangerous. I'm sure their parents would agree.

Yet a child is 100 times more likely to die in a swimming pool than in a gun accident.

Parents don't know that partly because the media hate guns and gun accidents make bigger headlines. Ask yourself which incident would be more likely to be covered on TV.

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