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07 April 2007

Of course, it seems so obvious...

"British values" fuel racism...
The first ethnic minority president of the National Union of Teachers has said ministers fuel racism by ordering schools to teach "British values".

London assistant head teacher Baljeet Ghale told the union's annual conference Britain did not have a monopoly on free speech and tolerance.
Well, actually... in a stunning display of ignorance about the current state of world affairs, old Baljeet went a whole lot further than that...
At the NUT conference, in Harrogate, Ms Ghale said Education Secretary Alan Johnson had described the "values we hold very dear in Britain" as "free speech, tolerance, respect for the rule of law".

"Well, in what way, I'd like to know, are these values that are not held by the peoples of other countries?" she said.
Oh please, you silly socialist ostrich... let me count the countries and tot up the innumerable ways... starting with virtually every thieving, bloodthirsty, ethnocentric dictatorship on your birth continent of Africa.

We could move on to the Middle-East, where the only country with a history of democracy is, wait for it... Israel.

This latest outburst is just another instance of the creeping political correctness besetting countries like Britain and sadly, Canada.

The "NUT conference", indeed.

Fresh off its abject humiliation at the hands of Iran and in a rare display of not knuckling under to mindless leftbot idealogy...
A government spokesman dismissed her claims as "nonsense".

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