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13 April 2007

Lisa LaFlamme can kiss my ass

I don't know if anyone else caught CTV's Lloyd Robertsons' over-the-top mugging for the camera, as reporter Lisa LaFlamme sneered at the Canadian Forces for not acknowledging what was, in her vast military experience... the start of the Spring Offensive.

What Ms. Flamer was referring to was just another cowardly booby trap that took the lives of two Canadian soldiers.

Back in the real world, this is what actually happens when NATO soldiers knock boots with the Islamotards...
-- KABUL (AP) -- U.S.-led coalition and Afghan troops backed by aircraft clashed with suspected Taliban insurgents in volatile southern Afghanistan, leaving more than 35 rebels dead, the coalition said Friday.
To paraphrase WWII General George Patton...
"Our goal isn't to have our soldiers die for their country... it's to make those other sad bastards die for theirs."
And Lisa you dumb bunny... it's working.

Lisa, think of it this way

The Taliban are basically opportunistic cavemen, who, in between terrorising unarmed civilians... sneak up on an enemy and try to crush the back of their head with a big rock. Then they run away.
A British soldier in Afghanistan has died after coming under small arms fire, the Ministry of Defence has said. The MoD said the attack happened after troops challenged a five-man Taleban team attempting to set-up an ambush.

The MoD said the initial confrontation gave way to a firefight involving a larger Taleban force equipped with mortars, rockets, and heavy machine guns.
Note the constant theme here.

After each and every contact with real soldiers, one of two things happens to the Taliban... one, they get zipped into body bags, or two, as I said earlier, "They run away."

Those tactics serve a limited purpose, but they won't win a war.

Not under a Stephen Harper government anyway.

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