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13 April 2007

You play with fire...

There's a pretty good chance you're gonna get scorched.
-- ATLANTA -- U.S. health officials are recommending wider use of a new drug to treat gonorrhea because the sexually transmitted disease is steadily becoming resistant to the long-time standard antibiotic.

The CDC estimates that more than 700,000 people in the United States acquire gonorrhea each year through sexual contact. It is the second most commonly reported infectious disease in the United States, the infectious disease society says.

The highest rates of infection are among sexually active teens, young adults and African Americans.
It would be pointless to simply put up a prohibition against people, especially people I have fathered, being interested in sex, but with all due respect to the CDC... I'm gonna recommend an alternative remedy here.

"Don't sleep around like an ownerless mutt."

That oughta take care of 95% of new cases right there.

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