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05 April 2007

Iran: Balancing the equation

Much like the Iranian supplied missile used in the Lebanese conflict to kill Israeli sailors, it's an open secret that Iran is providing money, equipment, personnel and expertise to Iraqi insurgents.

So it is sadly ironic that, as British hostages return to their families, there is news of 4 more British casualties.
Four British soldiers have been killed by a roadside bomb near Basra, southern Iraq, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.

Prime Minister Tony Blair contrasted the safe return of 15 British sailors and marines held captive in Iran with the soldiers' deaths.

He said: "Just as we rejoice at the return of our 15 personnel, so today we also grieve and mourn for the loss of our soldiers in Basra who were killed as a result of a terrorist act."
Prime Minister Tony Blair's shameful knuckling-under to Iranian perfidy, has only encouraged Iran to redouble its back-door participation in the Iraqi insurrection.

Sleep well, Mr. Blair.

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