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05 April 2007


The Liberal gift that keeps on giving...
Mr. Lafleur and his family earned $13-million from federal contracts during that period, a substantial part of it through dubious invoicing, hearings of the Gomery inquiry showed in 2005.

The inquiry also showed that Mr. Lafleur had contacts with key confidants of former prime minister Jean Chrétien, such as his former chief of staff Jean Pelletier and director of operations Jean Carle and former Canada Post president André Ouellet.
I'm actually surprised this fugitive came back to face the music.
Mr. Lafleur had not been seen in Montreal in recent years and only made headlines after people living near his new home in San José, Costa Rica, complained about his noisy behaviour.
My suggestion for a new Liberal campaign slogan...

Take the money and run.

UPDATE: 7 Apr 2007 -
Another Fiberal behind bars
Mr. Lafleur will be adjusting to prison food for a while. On Friday, the executive who grew rich during the federal sponsorship program learned he would be spending at least a week behind bars.

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