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03 April 2007

Another unfortunate youth

The Jane-Finch killing field claims another victim.
It's unclear if the young man was shot, stabbed or suffered both types of wounds, Sgt. Peter Stehouwer said last night.

"I couldn't say" whether there was any gang involvement in the murder, he said.

The victim was wearing a red ball cap and the Grassway is known as Bloods turf.
Fiberals fiddle while civil society burns.

Just keep on stalling those crime bills guys.

Got a cottage up north?

To be fair, there's crime out in "the sticks" as well. You might wanna tread carefully around Bancroft, Ontario these days.
Charged with production of a controlled substance, trafficking a controlled substance, conspiracy to commit an indictable offence and a number of other charges are: Xu Heng Cai, 44; Yu Xuan Cai, 40; Yee Wai Ma, 36; Niwen Cai, 48; You Zi Chen, 44; Yi Qing Lai, 49; Shu Zhen Ma, 66 and Shu Fang Zhang, 65 all of the Markham area.

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