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03 April 2007

No brainer here...

Unless you're some kinda freak for plastic surgery.

UPDATE: Domi drops the gloves
Tie Domi served notice yesterday on his son's coach that he will seek damages for slandering and libelling the ex-Maple Leafs enforcer with accusations of rink rage.
UPDATE 2: Going to the replay
The Greater Toronto Hockey League has done a flip-flop on the Tie Domi controversy.

“The issue is closed as far as the league is concerned,” Gardner had said earlier yesterday. “No disrespect but it is turning into a (media) circus and they are waiting for the league to ban him for a year. It just isn’t going to happen.
So where are we now?
“The league has taken ownership of the whole thing now,” Marlboro president Jim Nicoletti said late last night. “The next (communication) will come from the league.”
While we're on Domi related media feeding frenzies, I got to talking with the baby brother about M.I.A. pseudo-celeb, cum one-hit political wonder "Buhlinda"... which prompted him to say...
I read this somewhere,,,,,, "put her in a Tim Horton's uniform,,,,,you'd never look twice".......

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