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03 April 2007


There are two people in this story... Darnell Pratt and Grant DePatie, but before you read any further, I want you to think of a number. It's not a magic trick, so don't be worried that I'm gonna give you the number right up front. The number is seven. Remember that... number seven. So here we go...
VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - The family of Grant DePatie is outraged that the 17 year old convicted of dragging DePatie to his death may now be released from jail as early as next year. Pratt killed DePatie by dragging the gas station attendant under a stolen car after a gas and dash, worth just $12.30, in Maple Ridge two years ago.
Darnell Pratt already caught a break by falling under Canada's laughably lax Young Offenders Act. Now he gets his cake iced by having his sentence reduced again. I don't know about you, but in my world that makes no sense. It's absurd. It's beyond absurd. So what the hell is going on here? Turns out it's the usual politically correct leftbot jibber-jabber. And until someone decides to apply some common-sense to the backed up, left-leaning "criminals are the real victims" judicial system, we will see it happen time and time again. Ask Karla Homolka... she's the reigning poster-child for homicidal criminals. So here's the punch-line to this sick joke...
The B.C. Court of Appeal ruled the judge at Darnell Pratt's trial didn't properly take into account his young age and his aboriginal background.
Oh that. And that number I asked you to remember? Oh yeah. That's the number of kilometres that 24 year old Grant DePatie's torn, naked body was dragged that night before it was spit out lifeless... from underneath Darnell Pratt's car. Lucky number seven. ********** RELATED: Young Offender, my ass Need another example? Don't worry, there are plenty more where that came from.
In Feb. 2003, Laurel Price, 17, was beaten to death after she broke off a relationship with the inmate. In Dec. 2004, he pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to an additional three years in jail. For the last two years he has lived in a dorm-style facility equipped with a television and Sony Playstation. He is scheduled for release in December but was trying to get out now so that he could work this summer and go to college in the fall.
Hey... maybe he'll be taking college classes with your teenage daughter later this year.

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