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31 March 2007

Bagging the bad guys

Killing is their business... and business is good.
-- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- NATO forces are zeroing in on the Taliban command structure in southern Afghanistan, killing or capturing more than 10 insurgent leaders and key people in March alone.

The tactic is disrupting the insurgents, affecting their ability to fight, plant roadside bombs and organize suicide bombers in Kandahar and Helmand provinces.
RELATED: Spring Offensive, my ass

UPDATE: EU has a new plan... "don't be cruel"
I’ve got to admit, that even a war-mongering rightwing codger like myself wouldn’t come up with a plan of action this bold, this creative … this sweeping.

The plan - Simply eliminate terror from the vocabulary:

Banned terms are said to include "jihad", "Islamic" or "fundamentalist".

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