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31 March 2007

Fighting Homegrown Terror

Is a good and necessary thing.

THE DOCUMENT: What it says...
"The rise of radical Native American organizations, such as the Mohawk Warrior Society, can be viewed as insurgencies with specific and limited aims."
-- OTTAWA -- Radical natives are listed in the Canadian army's counterinsurgency manual as a potential military opponent, lumping aboriginals in with the Tamil Tigers, Hezbollah and the Islamic Jihad.

Stewart Phillip, the Grand Chief of the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs said, "It's a complete attack on our political rights."
Well Chief, not everybody is gonna see it that way... remember Oka?

What about Marcel Lemay's rights? You wanna explain your "political rights" to his widow and two kids?
Thirty-one year old Corporal Marcel Lemay of the Surete du Quebec was shot in the face and died a short while later, leaving behind a two-year-old daughter and his pregnant wife.
Aboriginal murderers... surely that's not possible? They seem like such fine young men...

Pte. Patrick Cloutier, a 'Van Doo' perimeter sentry, and Mohawk warrior Brad "Freddy Krueger" Larocque, a University of Saskatchewan economics student, face off.
Who could possibly think of aboriginal people as a threat?

Mohawk warrior Ronald "Lasagne" Cross tries to provoke a 'Van Doo' perimeter sentry while surrounded by media.
With any number of aboriginal blockades going up around the country, it's a pretty prudent idea to have a plan in place... in case the shooting starts up again.

And we need to restore the rule of law.

UPDATE: Natives plan rail blockade
"The Conservatives have united First Nations across the country," said Terrance Nelson, chairman of the Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Chiefs, which represents nine Manitoba First Nations. "They have pissed off one hell of a lot of chiefs."

"If the federal government wants a fight with First Nations it is a very stupid thing to do and we will prove it."

UPDATE 2: It takes more than two weeks?!?!

WTF is up with that?

The cops let a bunch of armed criminals walk away from the scene of the crime only to arrest them seventeen days later?

Oh, they're aboriginal... that explains it.
Three men have been arrested and charged in connection with an armed protest that blocked an important western Quebec highway for almost two days earlier this month.

Quebec provincial police arrested the alleged protest leader Guillaume Carle and two other men Thursday after investigating the circumstances surrounding their blockade on Highway 117 on March 12 and 13.
Try this yourself some time... get a bunch of your buddies AND their deer rifles and TRY blockade a four lane highway for a couple of days.

One caveat though... if you're a middle aged white guy with a regular job and a family... the local SWAT Team is gonna drop you like a crazy girlfriend if you don't immediately disarm and assume the position.

RELATED: Following the money
The federal government tabled this week its plans and priorities for aboriginal funding.

Figures from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) show that federal funding for aboriginal communities has increased about five per cent per year in the last three years, from $8.8. billion in 2004-05 to a projected $10.2 billion in 2007-08.

About $2.2 billion will be for Metis, Inuit and First Nations people living off reserve.

Per capita federal spending for the 426,578 aboriginal peoples living on reserves will be about $15,871 this year, said INAC media relations person Patricia Valladao.

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