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10 January 2007

Who is Marcel Massé?

Those scary neo-liberals...
He was chair of the Program Review Committee, which, despite its benign name, struck fear into the hearts of every Liberal cabinet minister and was referred to throughout the government as the Star Chamber.
So what exactly does this tell us about Stephane Dion?
While anything (well, almost anything) is still possible, the evidence for Dion's progressive positioning is -- as a couple of friends gently pointed out to me -- pretty thin.

And getting thinner by the week.

Maybe the secret is in Mr. Dion's pledge to model his first election campaign on Mr. Chrétien's winning 1993 bid. That election was based on the Red Book of promises. It turned out to be the Book of Lies.

And even more reason not to give the Dion Liberals a majority.
UPDATE: Time to go to PLAN C...
Fortunately, like all Liberal candidates, Dion carries around a litre of Jean Chretien's blood for emergency spine-stiffening situations.

The trick, as with most "liberal juju", is not administering an overdose...

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