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10 January 2007

I sure hope there were enough donuts...

File this one under, "To Swerve and Neglect..."

DESERONTO -- Ontario Provincial Police sat by idly, as native protestors shut down a local aggregate business today...

In marked contrast to local gendarmes, professional spokes-native Shawn Brant clearly laid down the law...
Brant insisted local Mohawks have legal right to the land and discussions should only include how to return the land in question to the local band.

There is no need to discuss ownership of the land, that has already been established,” he said. “There are others who have made claims so I guess compensation for them will be an issue but the only resolution we will accept to this is, is to have the land returned to us.”
I wonder how the owner of this business feels about writing those big tax cheques to Dalton McGuinty every three months.

UPDATE: via CP... Natives now threatening OPP
An eastern Ontario Indian spokesman is warning that natives manning a barricade at a quarry will "kick the hell" out of police if they move against the protesters.
Your move, Julian.

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