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04 January 2007

Some animals are more equal than others...

Before the inevitable deluge of comments and email labelling me an elitist and a racist... I should point out to my lefty friend CC and his pack of yappy little hangers-on, this is a quote from George Orwell's "Animal Farm"...

It's about equal treatment before the law.
Manitoba's law banning smoking in almost all public places took effect in October 2004, the same month New Brunswick brought in a similar law. Saskatchewan followed suit in 2005, while Ontario and some other provinces enacted their laws more recently.

Manitoba's law specifically exempted native reserves, federal prisons and other areas where the provincial government felt it did not have jurisdiction.

A Court of Queen's Bench judge ruled last year the exemption violated the rights of non-natives to equal treatment under the law and ordered the province to apply the law on reserves.
The cigarette thing is less of a bother to me than say, terrorising and holding an entire town hostage for months... but you get the idea.

So much for "Justice is Blind."

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